My Top 10 Tools for Learning


Here are my top 10 tools for learning, as asked by Jane Hart at the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies, and answered already by people such as Harold Jarche (feed), Clark Quinn (feed) and more.

  1. Twitter: Excellent tool for keeping updated on what people such as my mentors and more are up to. Very quickly I can interact with people from all around the world. You find me at @patrikbergman.
  2. Google Reader: My main tool for following blogs via RSS. I go through this every morning over a cup of coffee, and then once in the afternoon again.
  3. WordPress: This blog is using WordPress, and helps me post my thoughts and have people discuss them.
  4. Facebook: Used privately to interact with people, to learn about silly and important things in their lives.
  5. LinkedIn: Excellent tool for professional groups, such as the Intranet Professionals, where we discuss best practices.
  6. Google Search: My main tool for quickly locating just about anything.
  7. YouTube: No matter how small a problem seems, there is a high potential that someone else has experienced it, and turned it into a movie.
  8. Dropbox: Such a great tool. Save files and reach them from everywhere.
  9. Microsoft SharePoint: The tool we build our intranet on.
  10. Kayako Fusion: The helpdesk tool we use for collecting questions and suggestions from all employees.

What are your top 10 learning tools? Make sure to cast your votes now.

Author: Patrik Bergman

Privately: Father, husband, vegetarian, and reader of Dostoyevsky. Professionally: Works as Communications Manager at

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